April 24, 2012

Final Thoughts on Deviance

We are nearing the end of the semester! I wanted to leave you with a few thoughts about Social Deviance, to take with you in the future. As with any topic, it is impossible to teach you everything there is to know about a subject like "deviance" in one semester. I hope what you have learned helps you to make educated decisions about what is "normal" and what is "deviant" in the future. The ultimate goal of any class, and indeed a college education, is practice at thinking critically. I hope you will take the skills and concepts you have learned in this class, and others, and apply them to thinking critically about deviance.

As we have been talking about this semester, we have elaborate systems of categories and hierarchies based on our social constructions of race, class, gender, age, ability, and so forth. Remember it is not the categories that are the problems, necessarily--it is the values we assign to them, and the assumptions they come with. With these categories and hierarchies we label some people as “normal” and some people as “deviant” just as we label some behaviors as “normal” and some as “deviant.”

In our culture we don’t just label something as deviant and leave it alone; we demonize, we stigmatize, we fetishize--we make deviant bodies and minds the butt of our jokes. We bully people who are different.We have created a situation where to be labeled deviant is so terrible that we all tend to live in fear of being labeled.

We are so afraid of being labeled, and saddled with all of the negative associations, that we participate in the demonizing of the other ourselves, as a way of distancing ourselves from the scary point of difference. I am not saying each one of us actively bullies, but we do all participate, to some degree, in a system that perpetuates difference and dominance.

Think about the word “fag” and how it is such a hot potato, especially among young males. If someone calls you a fag, you have to pass it on and call someone else a fag as soon as possible. You do this to avoid the label sticking to you--you pass it on.

We are caught in this terrible vicious cycle you feel pressure to participate in the labeling so you don’t get labeled yourself, yet your participation keeps the label alive. We are all afraid of the label, yet we’re keeping the power of the label alive every time we laugh at a fat joke, or say “ew” when two guys kiss. We give labels power when we take the path of least resistance.

Because of all of this, we have absolutely impossible standards, when you really look at it. Let’s look at some examples we have discussed this semester so far as illustrations.

When it comes to size, as we know (according to society), it is bad to be fat, and good to be skinny.

But it's not that simple, is it? To some extent, it is okay for men to be fat, but not women.

But it's even more fickle than that. It is okay for women to be skinny, but it’s NOT okay for women to be too skinny. If you are too skinny, you are sick, are perceived to be mentally ill, and you deserve pity.

Even our drugs have a hierarchy. According to societal messages, alcohol is a good time. It can make you sexy, or even the most interesting person in the world. In general, it is a behavior that is rewarded by society. Despite what we learned about alcohol, it remains legal (once you are 21). By comparison, pot has historically been framed as bad, dangerous, even evil. And currently, it is illegal.

But it isn’t that simple for alcohol, either. To be a cool, suave social drinker is good, but to be an alcoholic is bad. If you binge drink with friends at a frat party, it is socially acceptable. If you binge drink alone, you are sick, and a problem that needs fixing.

How about our relationships? In general, though we know there are many, many forms of relationships, the ideal is two people, married, for love. Any other relationships are devalued, demonized or stigmatized. Some, in fact, are not legal.

That two person relationship (as long as it is heterosexual, married, and for love) is considered good. Being single, on the other hand, is bad - you must be lonely, and desperate, but don't worry--being single is always a temporary state, right? No one would want to be single, right?

I used this film as an example of this whole genre of films where the plot is “I’m a strong woman who is really into my career. But that’s just a cover up; what I really want is a man!” These films are almost a cautionary tale against choosing a career over love, and a reminder that to be single is pathetic. You must be unlovable if you can’t score a man! Remember, of course, that this only applies to women. If you are a man and single, you’re awesome! Suave..a player! And of course, don't forget how this image helps to keep the sexual double standard alive; she is looking for love in her mind, and he is looking for love in his pants.

Do not forget, of course, that a two-person relationship is the ideal...only if it is heterosexual.

But is same-sex behavior always bad? No way! Not when it’s two girls kissing!

But wait. It is good when two girls are kissing when they are young and feminine and men get to watch... But what if they are older? Or masculine? Or are not straight? What if it is because they dig each other? What if they’re not doing it for men’s pleasure, but they are doing it for their own?

In our society, lesbian women are bullied and harassed. But it is NOTHING compared to what happens to gay men. Lesbians are seen as far less threatening to masculinity and male power.

Remember the section of the course on bodies we consider deviant? In general, as you may remember, we consider able bodies (or at least bodies we perceived to be able) to be good, and differently-abled bodies to be bad. Who gets to make those decisions, on who is able-bodied and who is not? Who gets to draw the line? Though people with hearing impairments have an amazing amount of culture and history, and a beautiful language, because most people hear and use verbal language, we devalue sign language.

It is not that simple either, when it comes to people who are differently-abled. If you are young and cute and fit in with some of the archetypes, you can be good! But if you are old, or do not meet with our limited expectations, you are bad. We see a character like Artie, and we assume (1) he wants to walk, and (2) there is still hope for him. We look at the other guy, pictured below, and assume his life sucks. Hell, they even had to shoot him in black and white so we know to pity him! But maybe neither of these men feel like they are “disabled” or need to walk to have a fulfilling life. What would Mark Zupan say?

We also tend to think cisgender - good! Transgender - bad! This is one of the DVD covers for the film Transamerica. It was a hologram cover, where if you looked one direction, you saw Felicity Huffman as her beautiful cisgender self. When you looked at it another direction, you are supposed to be in shock and awe at the transformation Huffman had to undergo to become a transgender woman. The message is that transwomen are ugly, and masculine, and cannot possibly be sexy. That is not correct!

As we discussed this semester, within every subculture there is a good/bad undercurrent to keep everyone pitted against each other. Even in the transgender world there is good and there is bad. If you adhere to the gender binary, as a masculine transman or a very feminine transwoman - good!
If you are skinny and young - good!
If you are white - good!
But if you are not masculine or not feminine enough; if you’re fat or disabled or non-white...bad.

The woman pictured above is Duanna Johnson. A few years ago she was severely beaten by cops, which was caught on video. She filed a complaint and had to fight very hard to get taken seriously. Eventually, two cops were fired and the rest had to go through sensitivity training. A few months later she was found dead, shot in the head. Perhaps no surprise, there are no suspects. Transwomen, especially those who are not white, are routinely demonized, dehumanized, stigmatized and stereotyped as sex workers and drug addicts. Some of those stereotypes invade the transgender community itself, keeping them alive through internalized transphobia. There is a lot of pressure to "pass" as cisgender. There are similar and parallel pressures in a lot of marginalized communities, because of the ways we treat those who are perceived to be different.

These are, of course, just a few examples. I could make thousands of examples like these. In the end...we have made life almost impossible. The lines we draw between good and bad, between normal and deviant, are arbitrary. Fluid. Politicized.

And they totally change when you add in race, class, gender, ability, and so forth into the mix.

When we, as a society, insist upon a narrow definition of “normal” we make it so that almost nobody can fit into that definition.

Remember, it’s not the categories or the definition that is the problem, it is how we treat people based on those categories - it’s the social rankings we make. When the consequence of the label is to be shamed, humiliated, demonized, stigmatized, brutalized or even murdered...that is a problem.

Some of it is subtle, like a devaluation. An example is saying “that’s so gay." It is saying gay is bad, or dumb, or trivial. It’s subtle, perhaps, but it is devaluing, saying heterosexual > other options.

To say “he throws like a girl” is devaluing women as a way of insulting a male. It is saying to do something “like a girl” is a bad thing. Again, it may be subtle, but it is still devaluing, saying male > female.

Other times it is overt. For example, it is dangerous to be a transwoman of color in this country. One reason there is a pressure to "pass" as a cisgender woman is because of safety. Transwomen are killed, brutally murdered, at an alarming rate.

That’s when we need to think about our categories and hierarchies and ask ourselves why. Why do we have such a narrow definition of normal? And why are we so, so afraid of anything that could be seen as deviant?

Taking it back to kinks, what is so sexually exciting about what we label as deviant?
Think about the article I handed out the other day from the San Francisco Gate--maybe we all wish we could have a little more freedom to explore our deviance.

So I leave you with the question we have revisited often:

Do we as a society want a broad or narrow definition of normal?

April 10, 2012

UPDATE to Blog Post 5 and the Final Project!

The class has agreed to change up (and hopefully make easier) the rest of the semester.

First, instead of your Blog Post 5 (Deviance Debate) we will be having an in-class debate on April 24th. Blog Post 5 is worth 20 points. Those points will now be earned in the following way:
  • 5 points: Submit a potential debate topic, on Angel (see the "Deviance Debate" folder under the Lessons tab). Nominate a topic--one of the suggestions, or one of your own making--and briefly explain what you feel are the two "sides" of the debate we should take on. This is due Wednesday, April 11th by midnight and is available now.
  • 5 points: After I get all of the submissions, I will choose the top 5, and put them in the same folder on Angel, as a survey. You will need to vote for your top choice, out of those five.
  • 10 points: On the day of the Deviance Debate (April 24th) you will bring your arguments, ready to debate, to class. I will give you a handout in advance. You should have two solid arguments for each side, so four arguments total. If you are uncomfortable speaking in front of class, do not worry--your "side" will nominate spokespeople to represent that side of the argument.

As you can see, the total will be 20 points, so our grading scale will stay exactly the same. Still, this is a slight change to the syllabus. One that probably works to your advantage, in most cases. If you are uncomfortable with this in any way, please let me know as soon as possible.

Second, the Final Project will now be due April 29th. This gives you one more week. Remember that for the Final Project you are expected to expand upon your favorite blog post or posts, making them into a substantially different project than you originally had. You can expand one blog post, or combine two or three--you just need to make sure you are doing more than copying or pasting, as this is considered plagiarism (yes, you can plagiarize yourself).

Final Projects can be in the format of a Blog Post, or a traditional paper. If you go one of these routes, your final product must be between 2000 and 3000 words.

You also have a creative option, INSTEAD of writing a paper or Blog Post. You may make a video, a podcast, or a presentation--I am also open to other options. Please let me know by next Thursday (4/19) so I can make the schedule for April 26th. These should be 5 to 8 minutes long (or the equivalent, based on the format you choose). Talk to me if you have any questions.

April 5, 2012

Section 5 :: Deviant Behaviors Part II (April 10 – April 24)

NOTE: We are discussing body modification on April 19th. Do you have body modification? Are you willing to show and tell? If you are, please send me a photograph of your tattoo, piercing, branding or whatever body modification you have. Also tell me what it means to you, and/or why you got it. Also tell me if it is okay for me to use your name. If you do not want your identity known, no problem—just make sure we can’t tell from the photo. Please send these to me by April 15th (Taxes and tattoos—you can remember that, right?).

April 10th is the day we will be discussing non-vanilla sexual behaviors. Are you not sure what that means? You will want to be there, for sure! Remember you need to have your Homework 4 handout ready to turn in. If you don’t have that, email me ASAP to get one.
For today, come ready to talk about kinks and fetishes having read:

On April 12th, we will have the first of two days where we talk about same-sex sexuality and queerness. As I have touched upon in class, there is the behavior (same-sex sexuality) and the identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer, and so forth). As a deviance scholar, you know those are not the same thing. Until we give it a label, and a value judgment, it is just a behavior. If this seems hard to understand, look forward to the article by D’Emilio, when he talks about how the gay identity did not exist until the rise of capitalism allowed it to exist. The Schlatter and Steinback article takes on some of the common anti-gay myths you may have heard throughout your life. OK Cupid (yes, the dating site) takes it one step further, using data from their web site to answer questions about the LGBT visitors to their site (that’s the Rudder article). Once you’re done with all that reading, enjoy some Bisexuality Comics.

On April 17th we will continue looking at queerness, and sexual identity. We will begin by looking at how heterosexuality became a sexual identity in a fascinating article by Katz. We will look at how complicated all this sexuality and gender stuff is with the short article about drag queens by Verta Taylor. We will question how useful “sexual orientation” is as a concept with a blog post by Lisa Wade. Then you get to see some photography from the Hide/Seek exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute’s National Portrait Gallery.

On April 19th, we will discuss at Body Modification. Is it deviant? What forms are deviant? Why do people get Body Modification? Is it a valid form of self-expression, or does it depend?
  • Read “Body Art, Deviance, and American College Students” by Koch and company. Available on Angel.
  • Read “Bodies of Change: A Comparative Analysis of Media Representations of Body Modification Practices” by Adams, also available on Angel.

You’re (WE are) almost done! On April 24th we will take on our last topic, Internet deviance. How has technology changed the way we do deviance? Is it ramping up deviance? Making deviance easier to find, or build community around? Should we fear technology as another way for some behaviors to flourish, or embrace it as a way to share common experiences? Do we need to worry about online predators? What do we have to do to protect the children?!?

We are DONE! :)

Is my professor deviant?

I just want to follow up today's discussion with some thoughts. It is hard to tackle such a big topic in less than one hour, but I absolutely loved all of your comments and thoughts. Thank you for sharing them!

I want to reiterate my role as a professor of a topic like deviance. This whole semester I have been talking about how we dehumanize people we see as the "other." We treat people that are different as sick, or something that we should pity, or fear. I am asking you, as a student of deviance, to push yourself past you gut reactions, or what you have been told your whole life, and try to look at those feelings from a sociological perspective.

I would be a terrible deviance professor if I treated the topics as deviant. To me, as a deviance scholar, and instructor, I need to treat everything as "normal" and let you decide for yourself if it should or should not be considered deviant. If I treat a topic as "oh gross, can you believe that?" I have reiterated it as deviant--that is the last thing I want to do.

I already know what the mainstream society is saying about that group, or that deviant status--I am trying to give you the one opportunity you may ever have to see the group, or person, or behavior as normal. At least that is what I try to do.

So I get a lot of very strong reactions--"I can't believe you feel that way!" or "You must be a kinky non-monogamist!" None of that matters--I don't think people should be shamed for feeling those ways, or being those ways, so I am not going to treat them as shameful.

Because I have this approach, however, I also get a lot of feedback "you don't give enough time to the mainstream perspective!" Again, we only have one day to tackle a lot of those topics. I already know you are getting the mainstream messages from a variety of sources. As your professor, it is my job to give you the other perspectives--the ones you do NOT hear in your every day life. I am aware that makes me look biased, and I think that is the risk I have to take to ensure you get new and challenging perspectives. Do not assume you know what I think, but do assume I am doing my best to give you the opportunity to challenge yourself.

We are all adults, and you are in a junior level course at an institution of higher learning. I expect you to be able to take a step back from what you have been told your whole life--what you heard from your father, your mother, your priest, your other teachers, your friends, et al.--and critically analyze your beliefs. WHY do you feel that way? It is okay to feel the way you do--of course--but it is crucial to your development as a critical thinker to question the foundation of those beliefs. Do not just rely on "because someone told me to think this way."

College is your opportunity to take a step back and see what forces have shaped your beliefs. That may change some of your beliefs, and it may strengthen others. That is great--making educated decisions is better than making uneducated one, don't you think? Embrace this class--and all of the difficult topics--as a way of understanding why you feel the way you do. As I said in the syllabus, and on the first day, an open mind makes for a much more interesting class. Not because I'm trying to necessarily change your mind, but because entertaining a variety of perspectives is a valid intellectual exercise. Synthesizing new information with what you already know is imperative in college, as well as the rest of your life--the topics in this class give you a great opportunity to practice this synthesis with fun topics. Take advantage. This course, even more than any other that I have taught, gives back as much as you are willing to put in. So dive in, be open, and challenge yourself. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. It is worth it.

March 28, 2012

Blog Post 5: Deviance Debates

In this course, and in our lives, we are constantly hearing about controversies and arguments around deviance. Some of the debates are about whether or not an attribute or behavior really is “deviant” and some are about what rights people should have if they are labeled “deviant.” In each section of this course we have uncovered (or will uncover) ongoing questions that correspond to current social and political debates, including a few I list at the bottom of this post.

For your final Blog Post, you are going to take on a question of deviance, and explain the current debate on the topic. You can choose from the list below, or find something else that interests you. Choose a topic based on a realistic ability to do a fair treatment of the arguments in the space allotted. Feel free to email me or meet with me about your choice, if you want help brainstorming. After you choose a topic, pick two sides of the debate—even though many of these are far too complex for just two sides—and explain what you see as the most convincing arguments on each.

First, pick a question. Briefly explain why you chose the topic, and explain how it relates to the course. Next, briefly explain the THREE best arguments for EACH side of the debate (there will be SIX arguments total). Last, take a stand! Let me know where you fall in the debate, and why, firmly grounded in the concepts of this course, NOT personal experience or opinion. Remember, this is an academic analysis of arguments, not an editorial. Keep the tone and language scholarly throughout the entire post.

To find the arguments, cull through all of the chapters of the book, and class materials. Make sure you pull out everything we have used in lecture, and the readings—look back at the theories, and all of the concepts we’ve discussed. You may also want to read ahead if you see a future article that pertains to your topic. Also do outside research to make sure you are finding the best possible arguments. As with your other Blog Posts, you must integrate, explain, and fully cite at least THREE of the readings from the class above and beyond the citations for the outside sources of your arguments (unless the reading is the source of your argument). Be sure you properly cite each and every source—remember, if it isn’t a thought that originated in your brain, cite it! Try your best to rely on academic sources, and only use informal sources (such as blogs) when you must. When you do use other sources, make sure you cite them properly.

This paper should be 600 to 1500 words in length, NOT including the Works Cited at the end, and must be posted by 9:00pm on April 29th. Be sure to proofread carefully—spelling and grammar issues detract from the points you are trying to make. If you are unsure of your writing in any way, I suggest seeking help from the Writing Center. They will provide free proofreading help, and can give you tips for organizing your writing. Push yourself to produce a post you can be proud of!

Potential Topics (choose one, or come up with your own!):
  • Should intersex babies be surgically assigned a sex category at birth?
  • Should we have separate high schools for LGBTQ students?
  • Should sex work be legal?
  • Should/can the United States legally recognize more than two genders?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legal?
  • Should polygamy be legal?
  • Is the “gay panic” or “trans panic” defense legitimate?
  • How young is too young to make a transgender transition?
  • What should be the age of consent for sexual activity?
  • Should police be patrolling bathrooms for people having consensual sex?
  • Should LGBTQ issues be discussed in schools? If so, starting at what age? Or, what types of topics?
  • How should schools handle transgender students and bathrooms?
  • Should [enter group here] be labeled as deviant?
  • Should there be regulations about how deviant people are portrayed in the media?
  • What is the best way to change a social norm? Through the culture, or policy?
  • Should sex offenders have to register? Should any other type of crime have a registry, also or instead?
  • What can we do to ensure members of minority groups get fair treatment in the criminal justice system?
  • Should some groups get special treatment in the criminal justice system, given their systematic disadvantage?
  • Should there be more/less regulation on media and/or products around weight loss?
  • What accommodations should institutions have to accommodate different levels of ability?
  • What is an appropriate age for a person to get a cochlear implant?
  • How can bullying best be stopped?
  • Should self-harm be legal or illegal?
  • What should be the age of consent for body modification?
  • Should we be working to reduce the prevalence of eating disorders? If so, how?
  • Are some kinks or fetishes harmful?
  • How can we change the stud/slut double standard? Or should we?
  • What can we do to stop sex tourism? Or should we?
  • Should someone be able to amputate a healthy limb if they want? Should they have to be diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) first?
  • Should we see more models of average and above average size in mainstream media?
  • Should people with particular disabilities, sexual functioning and/or fetishes be able to legally hire specialized sex workers?

March 24, 2012

Section 5 :: Deviant Behaviors Part I (March 27 – April 5)

We have arrived at the final section of the course! After discussing deviant bodies and minds, we are ready to talk about behaviors that are considered deviant, to some degree, by mainstream society. The readings over the next few week are going to make you laugh, cringe, and perhaps shake your head a time or two. The more open you are, and the more willing you are to at least try to see everyone as “normal” for a moment (or at least more human than they are often treated) the more you may find yourself engaged with the stories and perspectives you are going to read, watch and hear. Have fun with this section, keeping your sociological imagination in high gear, and your critical thinking skills at full capacity.

March 27: We begin this exploration by discussing how two central social constructions impact how deviant we perceive sex to be—age, and gender. The “double standard” of slut vs. stud when it comes to gender is well known, but we are going to push even further into our understanding of how gender impacts our perceptions of deviance when it comes to sexual behaviors and practices. We are also going to discuss age, and how our perceptions of what it means to be certain ages also impacts our perceptions of what is deviant when it comes to sex. As you are reading about gender and age, you will also be exploring some of the most controversial questions about sexuality. How do groups (like women, or boy-loving men) work around the stigmas associated with their sexuality? Can pornography be feminist, or pro-female? Does one sexual encounter with a man make a man "gay" (and have you noticed we don’t ask that same question of women?)? What are the limits of the language and labels we use for sexuality? For today you will read the following:

On March 29 our two themes will be public sex, and the difficulties with legislating behaviors. We start with a groundbreaking article from author and activist Patrick Califia, on how laws draw a line in the sand, and impact our perceptions of sex. To keep you thinking about the complexities in deciding what is "public" and "private" using the example of bathrooms, I am also having you read a recent piece by author Ivan Coyote. It is a short piece; it is her an open letter to women that question her presence in bathrooms. Sex in Public Places offers more information about, and tips for, the practice.

You will also be reading an article by a peace and social justice activist Rubby Diesu who says the LGBTQ community is misguided in their feverish campaigning for “equality” in the form of same-sex marriage and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Diesu asks: is that what we should be fighting for? For the LGBTQ community to give themselves up to heteronormativity? Can we ever be "equal" if we are supposed to assimilate? Think about what Califia says about the limits of laws when you read that article. In any social movement asking the public to change their perceptions of them, there will be some parts of the community that insist we have to focus on policies, and let social change trickle down. There is also usually a faction that says we need to change the social climate and culture, which will change policy, but also have more systemic changes in the broader culture. These articles will speak to that debate.

On April 3 we will ask the question: is sex work deviant? Is all sex work deviant? Does it depend on the type of work you are doing? Where do you draw the line? Based on behavior? Location? What happens when sex workers meet and organize?

April 5: Who says monogamy is the only valid option for a relationship? Why are we so stuck on monogamy as the ultimate type of relationship? Are there other options, that could be just—if not more—valid? Is the difficulty in other formats of relationship due to them being less valid, or due to the pressure of monogamy being the norm? Be prepared to debate the topic in class--I really want to hear what arguments stand out to you in these pieces.

March 22, 2012

Extra Credit to go to the WSUV Drag Show!

WSU Vancouver's Cougar Pride Club is sponsoring their 3rd Annual Drag Show, called "A Black Tie Affair" on March 29th. Doors open at 8:00, and the suggested donation is $5. It is being held in the Firstenberg Student Commons, and parking is free after 7:00. There will be various performances by drag queens and drag kings, including some performances by fellow WSU Vancouver students.

The etiquette of these shows is to enthusiastically watch--and tip--the performers! So come prepared with plenty of dollar bills to tip. If you can't afford this, don't let it stop you from attending, but it is the polite thing to do.

You can receive extra credit for attending, and writing up a one page (single-spaced) response to the event. Your response should include answers to the following questions:
  1. What did you think?
  2. How is drag a response to our social constructions of gender?
  3. Is drag deviant?

Only plan to attend if you are 100% sure you can maintain a safe space for the LGBT community that will be in attendance. If you can not respectfully handle the event, do the alternative assignment. If you are unable to attend because of work or family obligations, the alternative assignment is to read the article "Learning From Drag Queens" (available on Angel, in the readings from Section 5) and do a one page (single-spaced) write up. Please include the following in your write up:

  1. A brief history of drag.
  2. How is drag a response to our social constructions of gender?
  3. Is drag deviant?